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Down and Dirty

30 min. / $49.95

From: (VT) Joan Wise Fighting Femmes

Featuring: Carla  

Instant Video

The sultry Latin Carla is full of fury and she possesses the temperment, street toughness and ample body needed to stand up to the tough and cruel Tara.

They get down and dirty as they attempt to take each other apart. Cruelty and total savagery abound and no rules exist as these two fight to prove who is more woman.

Long, lingering wrestling hold, as well as street fighting galore make this a must-see for all fans of female fighting. It is doubtful that any female has taken a more frightful beating than Carla does, as Tara tortures her with one painful and punishing hold after another. The blonde woman proves to be too much for Carla.

Securing a devastating headscissors on her beaten rival, Tara weakens Carla to the point of semi-consciousness and now the fun begins. Tara brutally tattoos her victim's face and grinds and pumps up and down, gleefully taking Carla apart with her ample and sexy backside.